2/2 中井幸一(tb) 5 plays J.J.Johnson



  1. Naptown USA (J.J.Johnson)
  2. Pennies from Heaven (Arthur Johnston)
  3. Cry Me A River (Arthur Hamilton)
  4. Dinner for One, Please, James (Michael Karr)
  5. What Is This Thing Called Love? (Cole Porter)



  1. Come Back to Me (Burton Lane)
  2. Our Love Is Here to Stay (George Gershwin)
  3. My Little Suede Shoes (Charlie Parker)
  4. Nancy (Jimmy Van Heusen) featuring A.Nakatsukasa
  5. Overdrive (J.J.Johnson)



  1. Commutation (J.J.Johnson)
  2. Like Old Times (Thad Jones)
  3. Hello, Young Lovers (Richard Rodgers)
  4. God Bless the Child (Billie Holiday)
  5. Old Devil Moon (Burton Lane) 

Encore:Bird Song  (Thad Jones)