今夜のThe Mainstemは、熊本Janisで講座やLiveを行っていた頃から、20年以上のお付き合い、現在はサンフランシスコで先端研究活動をされているお客様とリユニオン!
アンコールはレッド・ミッチェルのIt’s Tiime to Emulate the Japanese!
1st Set
1. Bitty Ditty (Thad Jones)
2. A Blue Time (Tadd Dameron)
3 in 1 (Thad Jones)
4. Ask Me Now (Thelonious Monk)
5. Off Minor (Thelonious Monk)
2nd Set
1. What Is This Thing Called Love? (Cole Porter)
2. I Didn’t Know What Time It Was (Richard Rodgers)
3. Elora (J.J.Johnson)
4. I Didn’t Know About You (Duke Elllington)
5. Fine & Dandy (Kay Swift)
3rd Set
1. U.M.M.G (Billy Strayhorn)
2. I Got It Bad (Duke Elllington)
3. Stablemates (Benny Golson)
4. Reflections (Thelonious Monk)
5. Scrapple from the Apple (Charlie Parker)
Encore: It’s Time to Emulate the Japanese (Red Mitchell)