5/19(土)寺井尚之3featuring Akira Tanaは伝説のコンサートに!

Hisayuki Terai-piano, Akira Tana-drums

 来日中の名ドラマー、アキラ・タナさんをゲストに迎えたコンサートは、Jazz Club OverSeasのコンサート史上、忘れられない1ページになりました。


 アンコールは寺井のアイデアで、5月の童謡「こいのぼり」と「せいくらべ」にジミー&パーシー・ヒース作のブルース「Artherdoc Blues」を挟み強力にスウィングしながら大団円。メンバー全員が最高のプレイで、長く余韻の残る音楽のひと時になりました。


1st Set (17:00-17:50)

  1. Beats Up (Tommy Flanagan)
  2. Smooth As the Wind (Tadd Dameron)
  3. Mean What You Say (Thad Jones)
  4. Beyond the Blue Bird (Tommy Flanagan)
  5. Minor Mishap (Tommy Flanagan)
  6. Pannonica (Thelonious Monk)
  7. Eclypso (Tommy Flanagan)

 2nd Set (18:20-19:20)

  1. For Minors Only (Jimmy Heath)
  2. New Picture (Jimmy Heath)
  3. Gingerbread Boy (Jimmy Heath)
  4. Ellington’s Strayhorn (Jimmy Heath)
  5. Bro’ Slim (Jimmy Heath)
  6. The Voice of the Saxophone (Jimmy Heath)
  7. A Sassy Samba (Jimmy Heath)

Encore: 鯉のぼりKoinobori~ Artherdoc Blues(Jimmy and Percy Heath)


5/18 寺井尚之(p)+宮本在浩(b)デュオ“Special Selection”今夜の曲目

寺井尚之(p)+宮本在浩(b)デュオ“Special Selection”

 翌日にアキラ・タナとのコンサートを控えた寺井尚之(p)+宮本在浩(b)の”Special Selection”、この日もバラエティに富んだ選曲で、聴き応えがありました。

1st Set

  1. Bitty Ditty (Thad Jones)
  2. Smooth As the Wind (Tadd Dameron)
  3. Strictly Confidential (Bud Powell)
  4. Ask Me Now (Thelonious Monk)
  5. Webb City (Bud Powell)
  6. Warm Valley (Duke Ellington)
  7. In Walked Bud (Thelonious Monk)

2nd Set

  1. They Say It’s Spring (Bob Haymes)
  2. Azure (Duke Ellington)
  3. Three in One (Thad Jones)
  4. Heaven (Duke Ellington)
  5. Laverne Walk (Oscar Pettiford)
  6. Everything I Have Is Yours (Burton Lane)
  7. Scrapple from the Apple (Charlie Parker)

Encore: Wisteria (George Mraz)

サー・ローランド・ハナ・トリビュート・コンサート 7/27(土)に!

NEWS❣ 誕生日も命日もTommy Flanaganとあまりにも近い我らがオジキ、Sir Roland Hanna (1932年2月10日 – 2002年11月13日)のトリビュート・コンサートを満を持して来る7/27(土)に開催します。

 日時:7/27(土) 7pm-/8:15pm- (入替なし)
 チケット制:前売りチケット ¥3500

 We will proudly present a tribute concert on Saturday, July 27th for our beloved pianist, Sir Roland Hanna🎹🎹 (February 10, 1932 – November 13, 2002), whose birthday and death anniversary are both so closely tied to Tommy Flanagan.

Tribute to Sir Rland Hanna: Saturday, July 27th 7pm-
Ticket in advance 3500JPY

6/22(土)コンサートのお知らせ:Danny Healy Trio





 NEWS: Introducing Danny Healy🎷 at Jazz Club OverSeas on Saturday, June 22nd.

Danny Healy is an Australian-born virtuoso of multiple wind instruments. A nomadic artist, continuing his musical journey across various countries from Europe to Asia.

This concert, driven by Healy’s strong desire to collaborate with Terai, has come to fruition.


Hisayuki Terai
Hisayuki Terai-piano

5/13(月)寺井尚之ジャズピアノ&理論教室 /Piano School (No Music)

5/14(火) 寺井尚之/Hisayuki Terai(p)+橋本洋佑 /Yousuke Hashimoto(b)デュオ  Live Charge 1980 Music 7pm-/ 8pm-  閉店 9pm-

5/15(水) 寺井尚之/Hisayuki Terai(p)+宮本在浩/Zaiko Miyamoto(b)デュオ  Live Charge 2530 Music 7pm-/ 8pm-/ 9pm- (入替なし)

5/16(木)寺井尚之ジャズピアノ教室 /Piano School (No Music)

5/17(金)末宗俊郎/ Toshiro Suwemuneh (g)Quartet w/寺井尚之/Hisayuki Terai(p)、坂田慶治/ KG Sakata(b)、河原達人 Tatsuto Kawahara(ds)
Live Charge 2530 Music 7pm-/ 8pm-/ 9pm-  

5/18(土)寺井尚之/Hisayuki Terai(p)+宮本在浩/Zaiko Miyamoto(b)デュオー“Special Selection” Live Charge 2970
Music 1st set 7:00-7:45 pm / 2nd set 8:10-8:55 pm- 閉店9pm (*7pmまでにご入店ください)

5/19(日)寺井尚之/Hisayuki Terai(p)Trio+1 featuring アキラ・タナ
Akira Tana (ds)、寺井尚之/Hisayuki Terai(p)、宮本在浩/Zaiko Miyamoto(b)、末宗俊郎/ Toshiro Suwemuneh (g)
前売り(Ticket in advance) ¥4000 (残席ごくわずか/ Only a few seats left)
Music 1st set 5:00-5:50 pm / 2nd set 6:20-7:20 pm- 閉店8pm

*料金はライブ・チャージにご飲食代をプラスしたものになります。/The fee consists of a live charge plus the cost of food and drinks.
*学割:チャージ半額 / Student Rate:50% discount off of the Live Charge

CDできました。- 5/3 寺井尚之(p)+宮本在浩(b) DUO Plays Standards




1st Set

1. I’ve Never Been in Love Before (Frank Loesser)

2. All the Things You Are (Jerome Kern)

3. Day by Day (Paul Weston)

4. All the Way (Jimmy Van Heusen)

5. Night and Day (Cole Porter)

2nd Set

1. Tea for Two (Vincent Yumans)

2. Satin Doll (Billy Strayhorn)

3. Fly Me to the Moon (Bart Howard)

4. I’m a Fool to Want You (Jack Wolf /Billie Holiday Song)

5. Just One of Those Things (Cole Porter)

3rd Set

   1. Moon River (Henry Mancini)

   2. Harlem Nocturne (Earl Harry Hagen)

   3. The Girl from Ipanema (Antonio Carlos Jobim)

   4. Misty (Erroll Garner)

5. Caravan (Juan Tizol)

Encore: ピアノで綴る声帯模写 As Time Goes By (Herman Hupfeld)

4/27 寺井尚之(p)+宮本在浩(b)デュオ“Special Selection”のCDができました。


 スプリング・ソングがたくさん聴けた“Special Selection”, 寺井尚之の 美しいピアノタッチと、宮本在浩の重厚なベース・サウンドによる、あでやかな春の情景が浮かび上がるプレイです。

1st Set

  1. The Way You Look Tonight (Jerome Kern)
  2. April in Paris (Vernon Duke)
  3. The Last Time I Saw Paris (Jerome Kern)
  4. Our Love Is Here to Stay (George Gershwin)
  5. Fine and Dandy (Kay Swift)
  6. It Might as Well Be Spring (Richard Rodgers)
  7. Pedalin’ (Ken McIntyre)

2nd Set

  1. Yours Is My Heart Alone (Franz Lehár))
  2. The Touch of Your Lips (Ray Noble)
  3. Scratch (Thad Jones)
  4. Haunted Heart (Arthur Schwartz)
  5. The Scene Is Clean (Tadd Dameron)
  6. Spring Is Here (Richard Rodgers)
  7. Project “S” (Jimmy Heath)

Encore: All the Things You Are (Jerome Kern)

45周年記念 Special Selection-寺井尚之(p)+宮本在浩(b) Plays Standards


 1st Set

1. I’ve Never Been in Love Before (Frank Loesser)

2. All the Things You Are (Jerome Kern)

3. Day by Day (Paul Weston)

4. All the Way (Jimmy Van Heusen)

5. Night and Day (Cole Porter)

2nd Set

1. Tea for Two (Vincent Yumans)

2. Satin Doll (Billy Strayhorn)

3. Fly Me to the Moon (Bart Howard)

4. I’m a Fool to Want You (Jack Wolf /Billie Holiday Song)

5. Just One of Those Things (Cole Porter)

3rd Set

   1. Moon River (Henry Mancini)

   2. Harlem Nocturne (Earl Harry Hagen)

   3. The Girl from Ipanema (Antonio Carlos Jobim)

   4. Misty (Erroll Garner)

5. Caravan (Juan Tizol)

Encore: ピアノで綴る声帯模写 As Time Goes By(Herman Hupfeld)

4/27(土)寺井尚之(p)+宮本在浩(b)デュオ“Special Selection”今夜の曲目

寺井尚之(p)+宮本在浩(b)デュオ“Special Selection”

スプリング・ソングがたくさん聴けた“Special Selection”, 寺井尚之の 美しいピアノタッチと、宮本在浩の重厚なベース・サウンドで、あでやかな春の風景が描き出されました。

1st Set

  1. The Way You Look Tonight (Jerome Kern)
  2. April in Paris (Vernon Duke)
  3. The Last Time I Saw Paris (Jerome Kern)
  4. Our Love Is Here to Stay (George Gershwin)
  5. Fine and Dandy (Kay Swift)
  6. It Might as Well Be Spring (Richard Rodgers)
  7. Pedalin’ (Ken McIntyre)

2nd Set

  1. Yours Is My Heart Alone (Franz Lehár))
  2. The Touch of Your Lips (Ray Noble)
  3. Scratch (Thad Jones)
  4. Haunted Heart (Arthur Schwartz)
  5. The Scene Is Clean (Tadd Dameron)
  6. Spring Is Here (Richard Rodgers)
  7. Project “S” (Jimmy Heath)

Encore: All the Things You Are (Jerome Kern)



4/30(火)寺井尚之(p)+倉橋幸久(b)デュオ  Live Charge 2200 
Music 19:00-/ 20:00-  閉店 21:00

5/1(水)寺井尚之(p)+東ともみ(b)デュオ  Live Charge 2200 Music 19:00-/ 20:00-  閉店 21:00


5/3(祝 金)寺井尚之(p)+宮本在浩(b) Duo Plays Standards
Live Charge 2970 
16:30 開場 <1st set>17:00- <2nd Set> 18:00- <3rd Set> 19:00-

5/4(祝 土)末宗俊郎(g)トリオ with 寺井尚之(p)、宮本在浩(b)
     Live Charge 2530 
16:30 開場 <1st set>17:00- <2nd Set> 18:00- <3rd Set> 19:00-

5/5(祝 日)荒崎英一郎(ts)トリオ with 寺井尚之(p)、宮本在浩(b)
Live Charge 2530
 16:30 開場 <1st set>17:00- <2nd Set> 18:00- <3rd Set> 19:00-