ジョージ・ムラーツ生誕80年 in Praha

 Photo Courtesy of Hynek Glos



 Jazz Club OverSeasと寺井尚之は、菊やユリなど大輪の白い献花して、日本から巨匠ムラーツへの心を届けました。

日本からの献花にあたり、サポートいただいたプラハ2区役所、ピアニスト、Emil Viklicky、指田勉、石川翔太、カミラ・ムラーツ(敬称略)他の皆様に感謝します。

プラハ2区の要人とカミラ・ムラーツ未亡人📌Photo courtesy of Hynek Glos

 =On the Street Where You Live=

On Monday, September 9th, in celebration of the 80th birthday of bass master George Mraz, a commemorative plaque was installed on the building in Prague’s District 2, where Mraz spent his later years. The ceremony was attended by his widow, Camilla; the European Minister, Martin Dvořák, with whom Mraz had a close relationship; and key figures from Prague’s District 2. Following the ceremony, a commemorative live performance was held in Mraz’s memory.

Hisayuki Terai and Jazz Club OverSeas paid heartfelt tribute from Japan by offering large white floral arrangements, including chrysanthemums and lilies.