海外ジャズメンより:震災お見舞い(4) from Stanley Cowell 

 Dear Japanese Friends and Jazz Fans,
 My family and I extend our deepest sympathy to you and pray for you to recover from this great disaster that has happened to your country and its people. We know you are suffering and feel a great sense of loss, but do not lose faith, and please bring forth that powerful, regenerative Japanese spirit that the world has come to admire and respect.
 Although a heartbreaking disaster that you are continuing to undergo is almost unimaginable to us, I and all my musician friends in the United States are feeling your pain and suffering. I hope it will be important for you to know that we, in some incomparable way, share your pain.
 So many of us jazz artists have been guests in your country so many times over the years, and remember the hospitality you extended to us, the joyous way you responded to our music, and the many “treasures of the heart” we experienced with you. How can we not have compassion for you?
 We are relieved that many of you who were to the west of the ocean are safe. Please support your brothers and sisters who are struggling to cope with the aftermath of this devastating earthquake and tsunami.
 Our hearts are with you all and we will help you get through this. You will overcome this! Have faith!
 With compassion, determination, hope and music,
Stanley Cowell
Sylvia Cowell
Sunny Cowell

stanley_sunny.jpg ’80~’90年代始めは、ソロ、デュオ、J.J.ジョンソン・クインテットなどなど、ほとんど毎年来日し、OverSeasで数え切れないほどコンサートをしました。
 ’80年代に、仙台で演奏し、仙台の街や人が大好きになったそうです。その印象を曲にした“Sendai Send Off”は、繰り返しレコーディングしている愛奏曲、私も何度かOverSeasのライブで聴きました。


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